*Step 1
Open the picture from the zip or use a
picture of your self.
Duplicate the picture by Shift + D. You need the duplicate later....
Add a border 3 pixels, symmetric
Foreground color on pattern Goldbeads (it's in the zip)
Select the border with your magic wand and flood fill it with the
Selections - select none.
Add a border 10 pixels, symmetric and select it with your magic
Click with the dropper (with right) on a light color in the picture.
I used #bfbd9a from the fold in the apron.
Click on your flood fill tool and click with right in the border to
flood fill it.
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
(Spin, Strength = 10, Elliptical checked, rest on 0)
Image - add borders - 3 pixels.
Select the border and flood fill with the Goldbeads pattern)
Selections - Select none.
*Step 2
Image - add border - 15 pixels.
Select the border with your magic wand.
Now go to the duplicated picture.
Click on it with right and choose copy.
Back to the original, click with right and choose paste into
Effects - Art media effects - Brush strokes (standard settings)
Effects - Reflection effects - Rotating mirror (0,0, Reflect checked)
Effects - 3D effects - inner bevel.
Choose the preset Groef.
Selections - select none.
*Step 3
Image - add borders 3 pixels.
Select the border and flood fill it with the Goldbeads pattern.
Add border - 10 pixels and select it.
Flood fill with the background color from step 1.
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur (same as step 1)
Effects - 3D effects - outer bevel - preset Groef
Selections - select none.
Once again add a border from 3 pixels and flood fill it with the
Selections - select none
*Step 4
Open the corner from the zipfile.
Copy the corner (right click with your mouse)
Paste as new layer into your image (right click again)
Move it to the left upper corner with the move tool.
Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow - (1-1-65-1)
Go to the layer palette and click with right on the layer with the
(layer 2 if it's ok)
Choose duplicate, after that Image - Mirror.
Now duplicate this layer and choose Image - Flip.
And duplicate the last layer.
Image - mirror.
Now you have an identical corner in all
the edges.
You can merge all layers now.
You can resize your creation if you want to.
The best way to save your creation is:
File - Export - JPG optimizer - compression value 20.